Build Social Layer on Optimism

Build Social Layer on Optimism



Project Name*

Social Layer

Team Lead:*


Trust Tier:*

Ember Tier

Please verify that you meet the qualifications for submitting at the above Tier:*

We have never done work for or with the Optimism Collective before and have never received retroPGF

Contact info: *

Twitter handle:*



L2 recipient address:*


What is the size of your grant request (50k max OP)?:*

Has the proposing group or organization received a grant from Optimism previously?*

Tell us about your project, please cover:*

How do you justify the size of the request?*

Is your project likely to bring new builders, improve the quality of the OP Stack development, and/or increase the commitment of builders to the Optimism ecosystem? If so, please describe how:*

Describe whether you expect to deploy smart contracts on Optimism and, if so, how you expect users and developers to interact with those contracts:*

Do you have any metrics on the project currently? (TVL, transactions, volume, unique addresses, etc. Optimism metrics preferred; please link to public sources such as Dune Analytics, etc.):*

Tell us about your team, you should cover:*

Describe in discrete steps your plan for accomplishing your project:*

Please provide any additional information that will facilitate accountability: *

Tell us about your relationship with optimism, you should cover:*

Is your project (a) deployed on Optimism exclusively; (b) deployed on Optimism and other networks; (c) not yet deployed on Optimism but deployed on other networks; or (d) not yet deployed on Optimism or elsewhere?*

Have you engaged a Grant-as-a-service provider for this proposal?*


If your answer above was "Yes", please disclose the details of this arrangement, to the extent possible:

Has anyone contributed to this application that isn’t listed on the team?*


If your answer above was "Yes", who, and what parts of this application did they complete?

I confirm that my grant will be subject to clawback and/or discontinued delivery for failure to execute on critical milestones*


Builders grants are awarded in OP, locked for one year. Growth experiments grants are subject to the no-sale rule. I confirm that I have read and understand the grant policies:*


I understand that I will be required to provide additional KYC information to the Optimism Foundation to receive this grant:*


I understand that I will be required as a condition of receiving this grant to certify that I will distribute the tokens in a legally compliant manner, including in compliance with relevant sanctions laws, or other such conditions as required.*


I understand that I will be expected to following the public grant reporting requirements outlined here:*




Source of truth
OP ammount
Milestone Type
OP tokens request
OP deployment date
Incentives due date
TVL objective in USD
Contract address
Not Completed
Not Completed
Not Completed
Not Completed
Not Completed

No Comments Yet




Approved Feb 24, 2024

Preliminary and Final review

Builder Draw

0. Project unlikely to draw more builders to Optimism 1. Project likely to draw more builders to Optimism 2. Project likely to draw many builders to Optimism 3. Project likely to draw many builders to Optimism who focus on building novel products 4. Project likely to draw a large number of builders who focus on building novel products

Development of OP Stack

0. Project will lead to the deployment of very few smart contracts on Optimism 1. Project will lead to the deployment of a small number of smart contracts on Optimism 2. Project will lead to the deployment of a moderate number of smart contracts on Optimism 3. Project will lead to the deployment of many smart contracts on Optimism 4. Project will lead to the deployment of a very large (scalable) number of smart contracts on Optimism

Builder Commitment

0. No commitment attraction 1. Mercenary commitment attraction (stays until benefits end) 2. Commitment attraction (1 to 3 months after rewards end ) 3. Commitment attraction (1 year after rewards end) 4. Commitment attraction (2+ years after rewards end)

Likelihood of success

0. Clear flaw in design that cannot be easily remedied 1. Difficult to see the project continuing for more than a year 2. Reasonable chance that the project has intermediate-to-long-term success (+1 Year) 3. Project is likely to generate long-term, sustainable value for the Optimism ecosystem 4. Project has substantial likelihood to generate long-term, sustainable value for the Optimism ecosystem


0. There is little to distinguish this project from other projects that exist on Optimism already 1. This is one of a small number of examples of a project being built on Optimism that are otherwise common throughout Web3 2. This project is distinguishable from other projects in Web3 on the margins (e.g., a different way of doing something that may be done in other contexts already) 3. This project is distinguishable from other projects in Web3: very few other projects are doing sometihng similar and this is not merely a different way of performing an existing operation 4. This project is at the horizon and is meaningfully different from other projects in Web3.

Grant size

0. Grant size significantly outweighs projected benefit 1. Grant size is considerably larger than expected benefit 2. Grant size is proportional to expected benefit OR if Grant Size is greater than 35K OP, this is the highest score possible for this category 3. Expected benefit outweighs grant size 4. Expected benefit meaningfully exceeds grant size

Team assessment

0. Team does not substantiate ability to deliver on plan 1. Team does not show significant ability to deliver on plan 2. Team shows reasonable ability to deliver on plan 3. Team shows significant ability to deliver on plan 4. Team exceeds what is required to deliver on plan

Milestone Trackability

0. Not trackable 1. Somewhat trackable 2. Easily trackable

Milestone Orientation

0. Not oriented toward brining more builders to Optimism 1. Oriented towards brining more builders to Optimism 2. Oriented toward more builders and toward making project composable with Optimism ecosystem

Optimism Relationship

0. Not deployed on Optimism and no inidication (beyond grant application) of an intent to deploy on Optimism 1. Not deployed on Optimism, but has given a reasonable indication of an intention to deploy on Optimism 2. Deployed on Optimism and focused on Optimism


0. Not opensource 1. Currently or initially opensource, but not committed to long-term opensource 2. Committed to long-term open-source model

Demo included (binary yes/no)

0. No demo or poor demo included 1. High-quality demo included

Discretionary Factors

Reviewers will have a discretionary score to apply to the overall rubric of (-2 to 2). An explanation must be included with the assignment of any discretionary score.

Timely Submission

-2. Proposal submitted in last 48 hours of Submission Period 0. Proposal submitted in second week of Submission Period 2. Proposal submitted in first week of Submission Period

Optimizing Ticketing and Permission Setting
Enhancing Group Membership Customization
Leveraging Badges on OP for Community Engagement
Enhancing Discoverability and Modularity
Pop-up City Network Portal Building
